#i'm gonna update this fic as often as i can i promise i love this story with all my heart
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inkameswetrust · 4 months ago
The Window Sill (Pt. 6)
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Pairing: James Diamond x Kendall Knight
Characters: Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Katie Knight, (The Mention Of) Brooke Diamond
Content Warnings: Fluff, BL, SFW, Slight Angst(?)
Word Count: 2,551
As Kendall shook off the petrification Brooke had relentlessly instilled in him, the twinge of pain in his chest stopped him from entering the building. He was afraid to enter, afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing, and upsetting Brooke even further. Kendall knew James and his friends were expecting him. Still, suddenly his feet surrendered to the pavement as if he'd sunk underwater with an anchor tied to his ankle. It seemed impossible to reach the entrance door if Kendall was no longer treading water.
His fingers curled inward, not enough to clench his fists but enough to give off the impression of being unsettled. There was a faint wincing sound rumbling in the back of his throat that, too, was afraid of moving any further. It was as if Kendall's whole body had retreated to the safety of its shell like a tortoise in harm's way. After raising one hand to wrap his weary fingers around the strap of his backpack, Kendall hit the ground running and fled the parking lot.
He swiped his phone from his left back pocket and flipped it open to text James. Kendall attempted to type a message saying that he wasn't feeling well and had taken the bus home, but his phone chimed with an unsavory beep when he hit send. A notification popped up on his screen saying he had insufficient text credit. Kendall swore under his breath with a hearty groan to accompany it as he crammed the bottom half of his phone into his fist and shoved it back into his pocket.
A passing public bus made its way beside a nearby bench mounted to the sidewalk. It creaked and huffed as it came to a drawn-out halt and opened the door. Kendall sprinted inside, pulling out a handful of loose quarters from the side of his backpack and sliding them into the coin slot. He avoided eye contact with the bus driver and hurried to the first available window seat. His arms wrapped around his backpack as he sat it atop his lap and let his head tilt against the window.
Kendall's phone buzzed in the confines of his jeans. He sat still at first, knowing James was most certainly texting him about his whereabouts. The temptation to open his phone and read James' text was too great. But what was the point? Kendall had no way to respond.
His phone buzzed again, its vibrating sensation becoming strikingly alarming the second time. Kendall sat with his open palm against the side of his face, almost as if to shield himself from the impulse to respond. As he fought back the urge, a third and final buzz triggered his brows to furrow. Kendall whined into his palm but stood his ground and kept perfectly still until the bus came to an uneasy halt at his stop. He scampered away through the exit doors down the middle of the vehicle and tightly clung to his backpack as he shuffled the rest of the way home in a daze. His scuffed-up Converse Chucks scratched against the asphalt as he barely lifted his feet with each weary step.
Kendall stomped onto the porch with his head heavy in his hands like a boulder. He stared at the front door as second thoughts began to consume him familiarly. Did Kendall make the wrong decision by leaving so abruptly? Could he have at least called? Part of Kendall wanted to come hurdling back to Brooke Diamond Cosmetics Headquarters despite his complete journey home.
Before Kendall could get his foot in the door, Katie stood before him, wearing a look that connoted neutrality and indifference. Her eyelids hung low in contrast to the cock of her brow, accompanied by her lips stretching out in a straight line.
"I was gonna open that, y'know," Kendall sighed, gesturing to the house keys he crammed in his fist.
"Didn't need to," Katie replied, almost as though she were mocking him, "I could hear you moping from a mile away."
"Whatever," Kendall groaned as he brushed past Katie and stormed off to his bedroom.
Bewildered and none the wiser, Katie watched Kendall disappear behind his bedroom door. The only sound accompanying it closing shut was the sound of Kendall flopping backward onto his bed. He ran his palm across his face and his fingers through his hair as he pinched his eyes shut. If only the world could smite him where he lay and erase the turmoil brewing in the depths of his soul. Life could never be that merciful, though. Kendall was doomed to sit and stew in his own emotional filth.
He rolled onto his side and fetched his cell phone from his pocket. Kendall grimaced as he flipped it open and punished himself by continuously reading James' text messages. The blonde wondered if it was too late or cowardly to call now. He clenched his fist around his cell phone and grunted out of frustration. Why wasn't there an easier way out? Why wasn't there a silver lining in all this? His fit of brooding was cut short by a knock at his bedroom door.
"Are you okay?" Katie murmured.
"Go away..."
Despite Kendall's protest, Katie twisted the doorknob and tip-toed to his bedside. She nervously twiddled her fingers at the sides of her jeans as her gaze fell upon any direction but her brother's.
"Did something happen?" Katie continued.
Kendall curled up in defense and hugged himself in deafening silence. His blanket rustled beneath him as it bunched and folded to match his movements. Katie shuffled closer and sat at the foot of Kendall's bed with her hands awkwardly folded atop her lap.
"Is it James?"
"I just thought this would be easier," Kendall sighed, turning his head back and meeting Katie with half a glance.
"Wait, what? You still haven't talked to him?"
"No, I've obviously talked to him already. That problem's been solved," Kendall retorted as he sat up on his bed, "We're actually... dating now."
"Then what's the problem? That's what you wanted!"
"I know that!" Kendall barked as he raised his hand to chest level and offered the sight of his open palm as a means of defense. He immediately regretted raising his voice at Katie. It wasn't like him to shout. Not at family, at least. Katie leaned back and temporarily distanced herself from Kendall. She was annoyed to be caught in Kendall's emotional crossfire. She made that known with the curving, souring, contorting expression of contempt painting her face.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell," Kendall confessed after a long overdue deep breath, "It's just that... I don't know. This is just a lot harder than I thought it'd be."
"Did something happen?"
Kendall's eyes flickered at Katie with discomfort. He unclenched his fist and left his cell phone at his side while recalling how Brooke Diamond threatened him and his relationship with James. It still gave him chills to recall the words she spoke to him.
"I think James' mom may have seen me kissing him," Kendall admitted uneasily, "She told me she could have me replaced in the blink of an eye and that she only lets me around James because I can keep him happy without interfering with the plans she has for him."
Katie sat beside Kendall in disbelief. She had no words with which she could respond to her brother's tale. It was common knowledge that Brooke Diamond was a force to be reckoned with, but this seemed excessive even for her.
"I got so scared that I left without saying anything. I ran away and took the first bus home I could catch," Kendall continued, "I was going to text James I left, but I ran out of credit."
"And you didn't call?"
"Well, I was going to when I got home, but..." Kendall trailed off.
"But what?"
Kendall shrunk his posture and averted his gaze from Katie. He cowered at the realization that he'd be reprimanded for yet another exhibition of poor communication or the lack thereof. He sat there silent and still as he braced himself for impact.
"You really have nothing to say?" Katie sneered, "Go call him right now, you idiot! He's probably worried sick about you!"
"No, he's not!"
"Kendall, you make everyone worry about you." Katie countered, "All you do is make reckless decisions. Then you run and hide when things get difficult."
"Oh, what do you know? You're just a kid!"
"Yeah, a kid who knows better than to avoid her problems!" Katie snapped back with her hands on her hips in a similar fashion to that of her mother.
Kendall flashed a displeased look in retaliation to Katie's comment. She had him cornered, but he'd never admit to that. His stubbornness was one of his strongest shortcomings in circumstances such as this. Katie narrowed her eyes in defense and stood her ground with a glare that shot daggers at Kendall.
"Just call him already."
"Fine!" Kendall grumbled as he swiped his cell phone from his pillow and dialed James' number. He raised it to his left ear and listened to the monotone chime of its ring. The ring sounded louder than usual. Almost as if it could be heard from a distance. Confused and mildly intrigued, Kendall darts his head in every direction to locate the additional sound. He looks behind him, and to his surprise, James is waving through the window with his cell phone in his vacant hand.
"James!" Kendall cries as he rushes to his window and pulls it open, granting James entry.
"Hey," James chimed as he climbed through and lowered his feet to the hardwood floor.
The two boys, while relieved to see one another, were awkwardly silent. There were numerous things to be said, many glances to offer, and quite a few gestures to share, but none of the courage to exchange anything. Sensing the rising tension in the air and the desperate need for a private conversation, Katie shuffled back to the door with an awkward grin.
"I'll just leave you two alone," Katie uttered as she closed the door and tip-toed into the hallway. She left an additional moment of awkward silence in her wake. Kendall plunged his fists into his pockets and nervously tucked his lips inward. James took note of Kendall's slightly averted gaze and parted his lips to speak, albeit quietly.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Kendall replied with a weak smile.
"Are you sure?" James questioned, his brows furrowing with disbelief. "Because you left without saying anything. I texted you."
"I know. I'm sorry," Kendall began, pacing around the room and speaking with open palms, "I wanted to text you back, but I ran out of credit."
James watched as Kendall nervously marched across the floor. Those frantic footsteps and frenzied hand movements always worried him. The brunette was confused, and his question had yet to be answered, but he was concerned, above all else.
"I was gonna call you earlier, but then I wondered if it was too late and maybe I was making a mistake. I'd already gotten home, so I figured there was no point," Kendall continued, trudging from corner to corner. "But then I realized the real mistake was leaving, and believe me, I wanted to go straight back as soon as I got home."
James curled his fingers in anticipation. He itched to reach out to Kendall and strip him of his unease and stress. Though, he sensed Kendall was far from finished. His words came spilling out like water splashing through the cracks in a dam.
"I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't shown up," Kendall sighed, with his head in his hands. "Maybe I'm in over my head. I'm terrible at this! I have no idea what I'm doi—"
James ground Kendall's spiral to a halt by pulling him in by the arms and, with a gentle yet unwavering grip, joined their lips in an abrupt kiss. Kendall's eyes snapped open, and his body stiffened under James' touch. He was stunned into silence yet again. It wasn't until the crescendo of James' kiss that Kendall felt calm enough to loosen up and surrender to his senses. James pulled away, his hands swimming down Kendall's forearms until they reached his fingers.
"What was that for?" Kendall mumbled with a nonplussed look.
"I don't know, I was worried about you," James sighed with a heavy gaze.
Kendall brought his palms to his face and groaned as he hunched over, saying, "Ugh, am I terrible at this?"
"No," James refuted without a second thought. "Do you think you're terrible at this?"
"No... maybe... I don't know! This is just harder than I thought." Kendall panicked, "I just can't stop worrying about who's looking when we're together. I don't want anything bad to happen."
"Is that why you left? Because you were scared that someone saw us?"
Kendall's heart stopped at the sound of that question. He wanted to be honest with James, but there was no use in confessing to being threatened by his mother. James was incapable of confronting or standing up to Brooke. He couldn't possibly jeopardize his position as her darling boy. Cornered and afraid, Kendall had to concoct a lie that was believable enough to be true but not enough to make a fuss. He felt their relationship depended on his response and that he'd have to choose it wisely.
"Y...Yes," Kendall mumbled, hoping to not come off as uncertain. "I think someone saw us holding hands at school, and I didn't wanna slip up in front of your mom, so I ran off!"
"Oh, I had no idea anyone had seen us," James sighed. "I mean, you're always trying really hard to be discreet. I thought there was no way."
"Yep... someone saw us. A couple people, actually." Kendall replied, wearing a poker face as he mentally reprimanded himself for expanding on his blatant lie.
"No wonder you're so stressed out," James chuckled. "Imagine if my mom saw us, too. She'd lose it!"
"Haha, yeah! We wouldn't want that..." Kendall replied as he forced an ingenuine grin for James' benefit. He was sure this decision would come back to haunt him. Kendall couldn't deny he'd already jeopardized their relationship with the secret he began to keep.
"Well, I'm glad you told me," James breathed, "I was starting to think you were pulling away from me."
"From you? Never." Kendall replied, the strain in his face easing away and melting into a more natural look.
"Good," James purred, pulling Kendall in for an additional kiss with the cupping of his cheeks.
Kendall's face soured at first, his gaze hardening and his eyes still fluttering open. It felt wrong or even dishonest to kiss James under these circumstances. There was a potent taste of distrust and guilt lingering on his breath that Kendall couldn't seem to shake. He furrowed his brows, shut his eyes, and crept his hands up James' chest until he was distracted enough by the kiss to put his thoughts to rest. After all, this problem would go away by itself, right? Kendall could only hope life would spare him the consequences of his actions just this once.
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rhinocio · 2 years ago
ROTTMNT Fanfic Recommendations
You Coveted This Prison by CaveDwellers (April / Donatello - Comedy / Character Study - WIP) THE April O'Neil character study. One part excruciating (for reader and supporting cast) slow burn romance, one part introspection on being true to oneself. Rated M but only for one chapter, which can be skipped. Riddled with laugh-out-loud comedy shenanigans and heartachingly tender intimacy. Hot takes all over the place because the author wrote this with very little fandom involvement, and intentionaly chose to be contrarian in as many ways as possible. April takes down her arch-rival! Raph locks her in a freezer! Casey Junior's keeping secrets! Donatello's wall of horrible fake sciencey souveniers keeps growing and it may or may not be a sign of affection -- he's going to crunch the numbers on that. An absolute blast of a fic, cannot recommend enough.
Tried To Grow Up Good by Sroloc_Elbisivni (No romantic focus - Character Study - Complete)
THE Casey Jones post-movie character study. Love is stored in the found family. Casey is an accidental felon. He and Cassandra are siblings now. Anatawa hitorijaNAI let's get the entire two timeline fam in here for a reunion so I can sob myself silly. Perfection. This author's constantly pumping out new fics, and often updating multiple at a time; I've read through and greatly enjoyed Tomato Maze (there is so much serotonin in the knowledge that these idiot turtle boys will do anything for watermelon), Sorrow Is An Autumn Heart (Leo/Usagi but make it a slowburn thriller-drama set in historical Japan), and The Passionate Pools of Salamandria (a post-movie Raph/Mona bodice-ripper with an amnesiac protagonist and a B-plot where the rest of the family fight space to find their missing brother). Honestly this author has the WILDEST takes and everything they write is fascinating.
Give Me Something That’ll Haunt Me When You’re Not Around by Taizi (Leonardo / Yuichi - Drama / Romance - Complete)
If you've decided you're finally gonna take a dive into the leosagi crossover ship and see what all the fuss is about, do it with this fic. The author has a strong grasp on how to make a character study about characters first and relationships second, and in doing so has crafted one of THE most tender romance stories I've ever read. Starts as a character study on Yuichi Usagi and the yokai perspective on the Kraang invasion, branches into an exploration of PTSD and what it means to recover, and ends with a friends-to-lovers quickburn that says, "because of you I'm learning to love myself." Leo gets a therapy dinosaur. Yuichi gets out of his head. The character nuance and showing-not-telling is godtier. Healing starts with telling the alien invaders to go fuck themselves. Do not pass this fic up, I promise you it's worth the read. It legitimately made me cry.
The Old College Try by Theashemarie (No romantic focus - Action / Drama - WIP)
Donatello cloaks himself human to go to college, and drags his twin brother along. This fic masquerades as a fun, comedy-heavy action adventure story, but under the surface is a really fascinating introspection on what it means to hide your true self in order to fit in. The queer subtext is off the charts! Leo babysits Baxter Stockboy. Mikey gets eaten by a bird. One of the grad certificates is definitely going to be made out to to the wrong Hamato entirely. This fic features an autistic writer writing an autistic character, and their personal experience shines through in the excellent way Donnie's awkwardness and affection are balanced. This author knows nuance; I also highly recommend The Hibernator (apocalyptic timeline and Raph's dead........ wink) and Very Thoughtful (a Donnie-centric low empathy study).
Aftermath by Bronte (No romantic focus - Drama - Complete)
The boys deal with the aftermath of the movie events in whatever ways they can. Donnie gets into pina coladas. Leo harasses his brother. Look at these disaster twins bonding! There's a flippancy to all the angst that keeps these lighthearted and love-focused without skipping the rough details. I'm literally never going to recover from the belly bongos scene and will probably end up making art about it. Fantastic read, made me viscerally emotional.
At The Bottom Of A Duck-Shaped Crater by CaveDwellers (April / Donatello - Drama / Comedy - Complete) One part worldbuilding for the apocalyptic timeline and one part heartfelt comedy from the perspective of Miyamoto Usagi. Leonardo adopts a babysitter. Casey Junior saves the war effort from collapsing under a dick-measuring competition. April may or may not be about to kill a man. CaveDwellers is among my favourite writers for several reasons, but this fic really highlights her strength in blending several different kinds of relationships in one story and building a plot that delivers achey-breaky sentiments without having to structure everything around romance. (We're also developing projects together; keep an eye out for the "next in series" button at the bottom of the AO3 page for soft apocalyptic stories of a similar nature!)
Superfight by Swordfright (No romantic focus - Drama / Comedy - Complete)
An easy-reading one shot! Leo comes to terms with being a teenager, Donnie calls his disability out for what it is, and everybody plays Superfight the card game. The author writes in a very Douglas Adams-y style, resulting in a wheezing-on-the-floor-funny reading experience. If you're burnt out on fandom angst and need a pick-me-up, this is 900% the fic for you. It got me cry-laughing with just the quick refresher glance I gave it to put this recommendation together.
Now That's What I Call A Vacation! by WayWardWatson (No romantic focus (?) - Adventure / Crossover - WIP)
This fic's a multi-feature! It's one part infodump about Japan's culture and tourist hotspots, one part study on what it means to cloak your identity to fit into the world, and one part surprise crossover with Usagi Yojimbo. I am OBSESSED with this author's takes on Splinter as a character; several chapters are dedicated to exploring his fixation on being "human again" and trying to juggle the life he once had as a star with the life he now has as a parent of mutants. Primarily this is a feel good adventure story about the Hamato brothers getting in touch with their heritage, but it comes in swinging with several different action/adventure plot points and drama beats to keep a reader invested. Legitimately have no idea where the author's taking things, which makes me all the more excited for the ride!
One Step Forward, Fall Forever Back by GriffinStone (No romantic focus - Action / Mystery - Complete)
This fic is one of those slight universe alteration stories that takes a one-off thought and runs with it: what if Casey Junior died on his way through the time rift, spawned into the past as a ghost, and Leo was the only person who could see him? Promise the execution is way less daunting than it sounds -- events move along at a breezy pace and characters never spend very long lamenting the whole dead boy situation. The final battle alone is so chocked full of found family ride-or-die energy between the two protagonists that it's worth the rest of the adventure playing out pretty similarly to the movie. Definitely a treat for those of you who are big on Leo-Casey interactions.
A Mixed Bag by MusingWordsmith (No romantic focus - Action / Comedy - WIP)
What if I told you there was a fic where the turtles of every major tv show TMNT iteration shonen anime-style battled their way through challenges in mixed teams of four in order to defeat a team of evil overlords who may or may not know what they're doing re: evillness? Trust me when I say this story is fun -- it blends comedy and drama flawlessly, and the author totally committed to the bit in keeping each version of the turtles loyal to the genre of their individual canons. The 1987 turtles are breaking the fourth wall. The Rise kids are absolute supersoliders. 2003 Michelangelo somehow ended up as the babysitter of his particular faction and is kind of having a crisis about it. I am so beyond impressed at how well this author distinguishes each character and keeps who's who from getting too confusing, which is a common issue in TMNT crossovers. Reading this fic feels like watching literally any version of the show as a kid on a Saturday morning. It is a blast.
Young Root, Old Rock by SiryyGrey (No romantic focus - Action / Thriller - WIP)  
Shortly after the Kraang invasion a mysterious file of an unreadable format shows up on Donnie's computer, and he's driven by an intense curiosity to decipher exactly what it is and means. This author goes HARD on creating tense, muscle-tensing atmosphere, which is balanced out by extremely tender character interaction. Casey knows something he's not letting on. Donnie makes himself a robo-brain. Leo blows up his brother. You ever wanted an adventure with the blorbos that was also an ARG? Cryptic messages are sprinkled throughout the chapters for readers to decipher. Mind the tags but absolutely do not pass this fic up!
No Rest For The Weary by Nekotsuki (No romantic focus - Action / Adventure - WIP)
Ever thought "hey what if the movie just kept going and we found out what happened to those other kraang"? Hello and let me introduce you to THE post-movie out of frying pan and into the fire fic. I have it on good authority that this author was a big name in the 2003 TMNT fic scene, and I suspect for good reason -- this story perfectly blends heart-pounding action with A+ belly laughs and solid found family energy. Donnie hacks cute animal emails and narcs on the enemy. April fights zombies back to back with Barold Draxum of downstairs neighbour fame. Raph gets tranquilizer-darted by his brother for being too emotional. 100/10 wild ride, cannot recommend highly enough.
I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good by Dandy (No romantic focus - Adventure / Thriller - WIP)
Several TMNT AU competitions have made this fic a household name, and for good reason -- the author's come onto the scene with a bold, fun plot premise: after a battle gone wrong, Leo finds himself alive but unable to be perceived via sight, sound, or touch. Naturally, his family assumes he's dead. While it starts on the angstier side, this story's got a lot of heart and shoves tenderness into every possible crevice; the longer it goes on, the more tears are swapped out for laughter, and anguished dialogue-heavy interaction trades place with high-octane action. Worth sticking with!
Creation, Haunted And Holy by Greenglowsgold (No romantic focus - Drama / Thriller - Complete)
I lied about the romance it's Donnie x Technodrome with a twist. This fic reads like fascinating poetry, and does right by its source material by taking one of the fandom's favourite angst catalysts and turning it into a demonstration of the strength of love. Looking for something wildly different? GGG's got you. Would also highly recommend their outside-POV slice of life fic Midtown Mutants!
The Lemonade Leak by TurtleSoupSwimmer (No romantic focus - Horror / Thriller - WIP)
How do you explain to your family that your twin brother's possessed when you have no evidence, aren't sure if said brother is still alive somewhere inside the zombie, and revealing you know something's wrong could get everybody killed? There is no describing how completely feral I've gone for this fic - the author's technique of starting chapters with small, raw, seemingly unrelated scenes that segue into the current plot and enhance the tone or underlying message of the story is just incredible. They've given the turtles a fascinating mutation feature that adds layers of intrigue to the plot. The character interaction is heckin' tender, we got a nice scoop of self-worth issues from Leo to deal with, and the scary scenes are grip-your-phone-and-stop-blinking scary. The author promises a happy ending but that doesn't make Lemonade Leak any less of an incredibly tense ride. This is a fic I jump on the second I get the AO3 email notification.
The Smoking Gun: A ROTTMNT Tactical AU by AlienMadame22 (Donatello / April - Action / Adventure - Complete)
Agent Bishop of the EPF stole four turtle mutants away from their father as children and raised them as militia; dad's gotten back in contact and intends to break them free. This author absolutely took off running with the tactical AU prompt that various visual artists started up, grabbed a handful of canon concepts to mess around with, and mcguyvered together a wild ride of a story that continues to catch me off guard. Strap in for a fic riddled with emotional complexity and character nuance, and come prepared to cry. Fear not the ship tag, as the fic is primarily non-romance-focused and the ship elements are handled in an interesting, convoluted way that works to further the plot and add comedic value. Smoking Gun is a refreshing new concept in a very busy fandom tag and I have been eating it up like candy.
The Dawning of the Hour (Series) by Faiakishi (No romantic focus - Horror / Drama - WIP)
Donnie is captured and brainwashed by a pre-Vegeta-arc'd Baron Draxum, who subsequently starts parenting the kid out of guilt while using his talents to fuel the canonical Mutate All Humans takeover plot. It's been often called the Donatello version of Like Father Like Son, but that does its storytelling a disservice - this series goes much deeper in the psychological and physical horror direction, has an underlying political intrigue plot, and spends a generous amount of time with the secondary cast (plus a few excellent OCs) in order to really ramp up the intensity of the premise's whole situation. The first story is very whump-heavy, but does a lot of setup for fic two: The Drax-Daddening, which gives Donnie a friend in Cassandra Jones and finds more space for affection and comedy. The author's ramped up the sources of conflict several times over in the first few chapters of the series' second fic, making rescue by the Hamato feel ever more impossible. Despite being a very complex and interesting read (grey-morality my beloved) I cannot stress enough how VERY not for kids this fic is, so proceed with extreme caution!
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coffeebanana · 7 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
OOOH FUN TY FOR THE ASK SUNNY. i'm gonna be honest i do not really have a top five. i typically have a top 2 or 3, and it usually varies to include stuff i've either posted recently or stuff i'm currently working on--so stuff that is fresh in my mind so my mind. buuuuuuut i'll see what i can dig up here. in no particular order...
Maybe This Life -- mtl fic is my self-indulgent (read: angsty) long fic of the moment. i can't remember for sure but i think last time i answered this ask i listed this fic even though it was as of yet unpublished? i might be misremembering though. ANYWAYS it's been flowing well lately so i'm very pleased with it. hopefully there will be an update soon(ish) 😊
Say Something -- i'm always surprised every time i find myself myself rereading this one to realize how well it holds up. because i started this over 2 years ago, and a lot of fics i wrote that long ago would have me nitpicking things when i reread. and to be fair i've edited parts of this since they were originally posted, but STILL it always makes me FEEEEL THINGS. and even though i haven't updated in over a year i promise i haven't forgotten about it kasfbdskjb i just need to...finish a couple things before i can return my focus to it
Entangled -- this one is angsty and sciency! what's not to love?
How to Crack a Few Jokes -- this was soooo self-indulgent. and it's still fresh in my mind ergo it makes the list
Villains That Live In My Head OR Pull Me From the Embers -- YES I CHEATED AND PICKED TWO BUT I'M BAD AT DECISIONS. also, these are both short, angsty oneshots that i go back to reread somewhat often. so they occupy a similar go-to comfort read in my mind
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triscribeaucollection · 10 months ago
It's not often I post multiple things in a day on Ao3, but ngl I'm loving this YJ roll I'm on right now. Think I'm gonna go ahead and get as far with the new Two Sidekicks Walk Into A Villain Bar as I can before I need to break for dinner tonight
Readers for all my other fandoms, I aplogize, but I'm having way too much fun to worry about updating other stuff right now, I promise I'll get back around to the fics you actually want to read at some point. Just. Eventually. x'D
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strawberry8shortcake · 28 days ago
🐰An Agere Masterlist🐇
Hey, hey! I'm a part of a lot of fandoms and I like to write! I also age regress occasionally and thought it'd be really nice to write some completely sfw agere fanfics!
Here's my masterlist of all of the fandoms/characters I'll be writing for. There's links to their character sheets where it'll show my works and works in progress.
(I've been stuck and unable to get motivated but once I do; I have several fics started in my drafts to work on!)
My requests are open ❣
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American Horror Story
(This is a pretty intense show, but I thought it'd be nice to write for the littles who have watched this show and need some agere content from it.)
Kit Walker
Cordelia Goode
Misty Day
The Countess
James Patrick March
John Lowe
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Attack On Titan
(I'm gonna be honest; I haven't finished it. But I want to! Even though I know the ending. But I've also been wanting to write for them... So please forgive me if they seem a little out of character, it'll get better I promise! I'll also probably be rewatching and getting caught up on it while writing these, lol. Ill update y'all!)
Armin Arlert
Connie Springer
Eren Jaeger
Hange Zoë
Jean Kirstein
Levi Ackerman
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Criminal Minds
(Another intense show but the characters are so good I couldn't pass it up! I had a really bad hyper fixation in 2020, but I got out of it before I could finish any of the fics I had planned for them, so I deleted most of them like 2 years ago😭)
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid
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Jujutsu Kaisen
So I haven't watched the second season 🙈 I was really liking it! But in all honesty- I got spoiled on pretty much everything and I just could not continue on knowing what I found out 😕
Gojo Satoru
Megumi Fushiguro
Nanami Kento
Nobara Kugisaki
Yuji Itadori
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Ouran High School Host Club
This is my all-time comfort anime! It's problematic but so so good. 😊
Haruhi Fujioka
Hikaru Hitachiin
Kaoru Hitachiin
Kyoya Ootori
Takashi Morinozuka
Tamaki Suoh
Mitskuni Haninozuka
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Spy X Family
I love this show; I haven't finished it yet- but that's only because I'm waiting for the second season to be dubbed on Hulu!
Loid Forger
Yor Forger
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The Sturniolo Triplets
I'm hyper fixating on Matt (and Five from TUA) at the moment, so I'm really sorry if I'm slow at writing for literally anyone else 😭🙈
Chris Sturniolo
Matt Sturniolo
Nick Sturniolo
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The Umbrella Academy
I absolutely love this show, I'm happy to talk about it with whoever wants to! 🤗❤ Five especially is such a comfort character for me, especially while regressed!
Allison Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Lila Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
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The Walking Dead
This is probably my favorite show ever; I've been watching it since the very start (since I was 6 🙀). Pleaseee talk with me about it in my asks or messages!
Beth Greene
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
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And that's it!
(For now, at least)
I would like to restate what I said at the top of this post; I really do want to write. I love thinking of ideas, planning it out and writing it!
But I'm a very indecisive person as well as a perfectionist and so honestly, I'm just very slow at it. 😅
I promise I'll try to post as often as I can though.
I love y'all! Talk to you soon. 🩷
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winwintea · 4 days ago
your thank you note made me think about how you are really one of the most genuine and realest authors in this fandom and even on this site.
your london yaps posts are so funny and entertaining to read, some authors on here barely post other than fics and updates so they seem like a professional author. but you create a welcoming environment, posting tmis, yapping about random subjects, even showing off your milf hunter winwin fit. it seems crazy to say but you show your human side and relatability, which makes following your account very fun.
even when you answer asks, you are also giving people platforms to speak their mind. i see your anons feel comfortable with sharing their thoughts. although you are a writing account, your account still seems to be open to mostly anyone. your responses are always insightful, and while you do have biases on certain subjects, they're not obvious and in your face.
you don't post for likes, which is why when you reach a milestone like 1000 notes, your gratitude is sincere. especially since you wrote a lovely long paragraph about how grateful you are. it just shows.
and the whole secure that card thing. i don't think i fully understand, but you were "inspired" by an author's smau and used elements of their smau to create your own? the author messaged you and you admitted your mistake and deleted it?
the fact that you owned up to it already makes you admirable in the eyes of many. did the author block you too? that's crazy.
you're getting there but i wish you were more popular. your fics are so interesting and unique. they're so unpredictable too. keep it up! 💗
okay so i read this the first time and cried
and then before i answered it im like holding back tears rn HELLO ANON HI??????????????????
to answer everything ummmmmmmmmmmmm.... sometimes i wonder if i post too much on here, i literally have a spam account on @sinisxtea but recently i've been yapping on here a lot more. i just think i don't have a filter, both irl and online (which has gotten me in trouble a lot haha)
i post and then regret later its fun!! (my face reveal is literally buried here somewhere idk im not gonna find it nor delete it im just going to pretend like it doesn't exist!!)
anon.... i was so happy to reach 1k you don't understand, and you writing this lovely ask just means so much more to me now <33 genuinely. i'm a very emotional and people person and often i'm a people pleaser. i crave people's acception of me sometimes which isn't um....... the best thing to do but !!! we are working on it! even still, if anyone sends me an ask, i am so happy to recieve it and read it (as long as ur not telling me to kms ahaha)
but yes i'm not going to talk much about the stc situation even though it's like... an important part of my account, because the past is past. i still really admire that author. i'm not sure that they'll ever see this, but i hope they do not resent me. i don't really resent them for blocking me, i'm just upset i can't read their lovely fics...
i definitely wouldn't have been able to start writing were it not to be inspired by them either, so i can't really hate them either. they're the reason winwintea exists, and i hope that you all can not take this mindset of hating someone for what they did either !! spread love, not hate <33
and anon, i will keep working!!! i will feed you all with even better fics i promise!!! wait for me okay???
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 9 months ago
I was reading your Star Reader post and to start off, this is SO CUTE! Gives readers something to be proud of too which is amazing.
I used to have a really difficult time with Tumblr as both a writer and reader (heck, I still have a difficult time). I’ve heard from so many other reader friends about the difficultly they’ve found in engaging when their favorite authors don’t engage back with them.
I just want some readers to know it’s okay - you’re trying to be so kind and thoughtful with your words about a fic and it is appreciated. I know how disheartening it is even as a reader to reblog something and the author replies to all the other reblogs except yours, shares all the asks but yours never pops up.
None of this means you aren’t as “good of a reader”. Your engagement is still appreciated and I’m sorry if you’ve ever felt like it hasn’t been. I hope this event gives some readers a chance to feel more appreciated as well.
Hi there!
I'm glad you like my idea of star readers I'm really looking forward to giving them out and having a fun little thing to do that helps build a community!
Firstly I want to say your point is completely valid I know from my own experience as a reader that it can be a bit disheartening when your comment doesn't get acknowledged especially when us as readers can often idolise our favourite creators.
I have never purposely ignored comments and i'm sure it is the same for other creators too. We want to reward engagement and encourage comments, we not gonna ask for it and then ignore it when we do get it.
If a comment has been missed it almost always has been by accident. Firstly we don't always get notifications, or sometimes asks never appear in our ask boxes, I quite regularly have to turn my notifications back on after tumblr turned them off, we call this place dumblr for a reason!
we also often get quite a lot of notifications! so it's easy for reblogs and comments to get buried amongst the many serial likes! I know I often try and go through and find all the comments but there is always a chance I might miss one or two.
Also we as content creators have a lot of other things we are doing around creating content. A reader only really has to read and reblog/comment which can be easily done in one sitting while writers have to: write, edit, create moodboards, create the post, add links and format the post to make it look pretty and accessible etc and this is all on top of our day to day jobs and hobbies so we don't always have the time to respond to every single comment straight away and so some may slip through the cracks but I PROMISE we are not doing it intentionally!
the only time someone might choose not to respond to a comment is because the comment has been taken in a negative way or is just asking 'when are you going to update xyz.' Some writers do just block people who regularly leave comments like this but i really hate having to block people until the very last straw. so if you are someone who feels like they're regularly ignored maybe just take a look at what kind of comments you are leaving because sometimes that might be an issue. but 9 times out of 10 its just because it slipped through the cracks.
we as writers appreciate all of our readers, you guys are the reason we keep on doing this. we want to spread the love and help nurture this community back to what it was before. we're all human, the lack of engagement is disheartening on BOTH SIDES. It can be really demoralising when you post an update to a series and it's just crickets. And it can be demoralising when you comment on a fic and hear nothing back. But the only way we can get past that is to KEEP ENGAGING, get back on that horse and spread the love. someone who just spreads love regardless of what they get back is infinitely happier and healthier than someone who spreads love on a tit-for-tat basis.
I realise i have REALLY rambled on about this now I just wanted help explain why sometimes this may happen and will probably continue to happen due to bugs and glitches and genuine mistakes, especially if this works really well and engagement increases because we're humans we can't always do it all.
From myself and all the other creators out there to our supporters and followers, we deeply love you all and appreciate you so so much x
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Niamh x
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earnono · 3 years ago
Excuse me, greetings. I'm an anon suffering from m!dimileth content deficiency. If you don't mind, would you be so kind as to give some recommendations on m!dimileth fics to read or art accounts to follow? Especially if you know good m!dimileth fics o(-(
Hello fellow anon~ I totally understand the need to quench the mdimileth thirst because I do so everyday. I only follow jp artists cus that's where the fandom is really active at but there are also english speaking artists on twt! As for fics, I'll be listing down the ones I bookmarked and fave. This list might be quite long but I wanna put everything I know so far. It'll be divided to dimileto/ディミレト[Dimitri x Beleto] and letodimi/レトディミ[Beleto x Dimitri] (also I only follow dimileto content so that one might be many) Dimileto/ディミレト @hyaku_jitapero @natume_0w0_ @moshi___mo @rkgktosh0909 (I think they have a tmblr account too since I've seen their art here but idk the name tho) @miimaru06dmlt @mugimugirou @weooooow @mizu_2015 @satosato2990 @3hnmc @sakuri_dmlt @u_f1231 @hiroichino @Chigo_03 @moco_888 @Curcurco @toriningen1192 @hotorilui @vgmondo @kusayukadl @takawo_wood @5ilviadove @babunon_no @wly169168 @churchofdimitri(inactive but their art is lovely so check them out) @peff155 @doggyet @dimdim4400 @miyakom_fe @UROTOZM @Oyasai_feao @silhiko @ten_dmlt @erumei24/tumblr acc. @nishikawa_fe @waiwaiwa_1 @Loooooneutral @umai_yo_kiwi @niku3ram4 @sotya_desu_ga03 @Tokinox(lovely art, one of my fave~) @mi_zu_no(they're into The Great Ace Attorney now so idk if they moved on. Pls do check their dmlt artworks it's lovely! They made me discovered and love dmlt!) @earnonoart/@nonochan801 (lol here's my twt account. 2nd one is for rting dmlt stuffs hehe) Here's a dedicated dmlt event account! Every week there's new contents (I recently am joining this hehe): @1h_nernenk0 Letodimi/レトディミ(sometimes called lethdimi) @Biz6ls(I'm entirely not sure cus they don't tag but in their pxv account they do tagged their works ltdm I believe) @tsurutt_aa @fuunerudon @ldouzisama @airbrush_99 @mogmog_0205 @zzz_mgx @karashino @S_upernova @wa___fe @dotFlafla @sara_hjmk @ruminasu_sorane
(This is the ones I know... more likely the list that I was given by someone I know ahaha...) Here's a dedicated ltdm event account. There's gonna be another event from them soon:@mlethdimiweek Here's a dedicated english MDimileth event account! There's a planned event later this year~ Hope you can follow the account for updates! (I might also post any news from there to here if I have the permission from the mod): @mdmlthweek As for fics, I don't often visit AO3 that much so I have little to recommend but I'll still list the ones I like. Please be mindful of the tags! I'll still label ero fics with the jp tags cus some fics don't label who's top/bottom(if any of you out there has preferences).
Fics I like wew (it's mostly dmlt and ero I'm sorry) Promise me (Dmlt. It's on hiatus, I've been waiting for this for a long while but it seems the author/artist is very busy huhu) Temperate Grasp (It's like one of the only 3-5 omegaverse mdimileth fics in the site and it's unfinished. I hope I'm wrong with that one ughhh) You Should Have Chosen Me (Dmlt) Summoner's Summer Beach Festival Episode: Moment of Eternity (Dmlt) The Courtship of Boars and Dragons (Dmlt) The Flame of Doves (Dmlt) A lifetime of wanting and waiting and deadly persuading (Dmlt. Again. One of the few omegaverse fic in AO3 lol) Moonlit Mirage (Dmlt) Tower (I died reading this. If you're upset that they don't have an s support then this fic will be here to remind you) A favour from the Goddess. (Dmlt. me likey. ehe) Blue (I enjoy this one) You Should Have Chosen Me (Dmlt. me likey ehe) The Azure Moon of Illusions Weeps Blood, Part I/ Part 2 ( pt. 2 is on hiatus, author will be back at it tho) Chasing Daybreak (Ltdm. Was reading this one since I bookmarked when I first found this till I reach the ero part and it's actually ltdm lol Just gonna put it here cus I think it's good)
Here's an AO3 collection from last year's MDimileth event: (Click Here) There's more in AO3 but I'm not sure how many. You go to the M/M section the dimileth tag and it'll still be not M/M at all. 700+ fics is a lie but there's defo fics out there!
In the jp side, I think there are exclusive doujin events that were held before! So hopefully there's another event and more doujinshis for both dmlt and ltdm this year~ As far as I know, there's no exclusive MDimileth zines in the english side. Though there are mix dimileth zines/events where they accept MDimileth but it's very few. It's still there but few. I guess this is it! It's a bit long so thanks for reaching at the end. Hoping for more MDimileth contents this year~
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 2 years ago
Not really an important post or like notification, it's more so an appreciation to everyone who reads my stuff, and kind of a little shout out to some pretty special people who make writing fun for me and make it worth it.
As some of you may have read, I haven't been able to really get on a write often because my work schedule is wack which means my sleeping schedule can not be wack and I actually have to sleep :P But I really will try to get some stuff out, I'm doing my best, I'm just so tired :'(
But anywho!!!
Here's some great people who make writing amazing! (Please be sure to comment and/or reblog peoples any artist/writers posts, it means so much more than a like :'))) )
@sunflwryu @readeryu <3 You make the struggle of trying to stay awake and write fics worth it because your tags when you reblog my fics are honestly so special to me, I love reading them, and I read them over and over. It's also so nice just being able to talk to someone every day, even though I complain a good bit about how crappy work is, you listen and you're always there for me, and I'll always be there for you. Thank you for being the coolest yondongsaeng. ALSO, PLEASE CHECK OUT THEIR FICS ON THEIR MAIN BLOG! SO GOOD! SO SO SO GOOD! <3
@jcngh0-hq <3 My favorite fan of Company Policy, I love hearing about your mutual hatred of Niko! I try to make sure that I'm able to get on my phone and tag you in updates as soon as I possibly can just because I hope that you enjoy every next chapter and I really really hope to hear from you when the series is over (On the 29th this month :( ). Thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me <3
@rachagen <3 I remember you first came to my blog when I posted the Jealousy Is series, and you're still here for the Spin The Wheel! If you're waiting for Goodnight Moon, I promise, I'll get to it, it's coming! I'm gonna get there! Thank you for being here though and reading my angst at this point, I hope that it in some way brings you happiness. Thank you so much <3
@laylasbunbunny <3 You absolutely blew up my phone with notifications and I cannot thank you enough for how kind you were and what you said and your reblogs, oh my gosh, I just, I was so so so happy when I saw all the notifications. Especially since you read some of my fics that even I forgot I wrote because they don't get enough recognition, but you recognized them and that is just, so amazing, and I cried a little bit, so thank you so so so so so much! <3
@whatudowhennooneseesyou <3 I remember you first became my moot when I started the Jealousy Is... series, and you sent me some of my favorite requests (some of my only requests that I feel comfortable and confident enough to write for) And you put out an absolute masterpiece for my request for your Mommytober2022 that I hope everyone read and was able to keep up on because even though I wasn't able to keep up on it, I know that since it came from you, it's amazing. I need to find some time to read all of the fics you put out. Thank you for being here and thank you for reading my stuff, and I promise that when I get the time, I will definitely read your entire Mommytober2022 collection. <3
@goodnightlittleme <3 You also first started following me when I started my Jealousy Is... series, and I do believe that you were one of the first to ask to get tagged in it, which made me feel so cool, not a lot of people ask to get tagged in my stuff, so, it was just really nice to know that people looked forward to my fics enough to want to be tagged in them. And then the comments you'd write in the tags or when you'd reblog, it made my heart happy, and it's really nice reading what you have to say about the fics and what you think. Thank you so much <3
@kim-jvnkyu <3 Sometimes your notes get buried in a sea of likes, but I notice all the reblogs that you give for Company Policy, and it's so appreciated. I hope that you're still enjoying it, and thank you so much <3
@mybabywearschanel <3 Yeonjunie lover, the one singular person that wanted to be tagged in Theater Baby, I appreciate you, and everything that you'd send to my inbox whenever there was an update on the fic. I will always remember the one inbox thingy you sent when Hyejin got what was coming for her, and you put a meme with it, and that made me smile all fricking day, just to know that you liked it enough to not only message me, but to put the cutest meme in with it. Thank you a million times over, so much <3
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enluv · 4 years ago
types of youtubers enhypen would be !
— ot7 enhypen! (no reader)
warnings: crack fic!
coco's note: I literally thought of this while watching noel miller (my beloved <3) so yeah! enjoy :D
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I could definitely see Heeseung posting covers of songs he loves, and they're all different genres too. One day it'll be Justin Bieber and the next it could be a song by Twice. Everyone loves him too because he is the sweetest person ever. He'll post random vlogs of him practicing singing, going for cups of coffee, even just walking to the music store for supplies – and people watch it because they just love him. He thanks everyone at the end of each video and takes song requests too! 10/10 authenticity and he has the personality of an angel? Subscribed!
fashion vlogger (i'll take no criticism on this one sorry!)
He posts fashion related content okay. You know things like "get ready with me" and "10 ways to style a black cardigan" yeah those types of videos, but everyone really stays for his hilarious commentary and easy going spirit. I could see Jay being so down to earth with his subscribers, he'll probably ask them what types of clothes they wanna see and show the places he attends whistle wearing them. He'd just be really nice and I think that the job would fit him! Omg and when he hits a milestone he'll have a live where he dresses in his finest clothes and cooks dinner with his viewers and it's just so wholesome! (Subscribe right now or you'll miss it!)
layla content times 100!
You cannot tell me Jake wouldn't make those videos that are like "I ate like my dog for a day" or weird things where he just shows off how sweet Layla is to his audience. You will never not catch Layla making surprise appearances in his videos. I could also see him doing cooking videos but it's all just him baking treats for Layla and himself. His channel is based around Layla and his life as a dog dad. I'm serious this boy just wants to show her off and his viewers are absolutely okay with that. He also makes reaction videos and occasionally I think he'd post himself gaming with friends, raging here and there (Layla is sprawled across his lap). Wholesome content + a cute doggo? Yeah you're gonna subscribe.
tutorials and also maybe fashion advice
I see Sunghoon just being an absolute sweetheart omfg. People watch him because of how comfortable he makes his videos feel. He uploads cute skating tutorials for beginners and it goes to skilled level as well. His little cousins help him and act as his students when he's teaching beginner tricks! Here and there he'll post fashion inspired videos but it's a rare occurrence. He will also post dancing videos!! Mixes dances with skating moves and they're always really cool. (I'd definitely subscribe to him even if I have no interest in being a figure skater 😭)
daily life updates and personal vlogging
You know those like vsco girl vlogs...yeah well Sunoo is that but bearable. He's funny, dresses in the latest fashions, and often films with his super cute friends (thats a bonus since he's already so cute). His videos are always a nice way to relax and be entertained. Plus his fandom is the SWEETEST omfg they're so nice. Always hyping him up and giving him the best video suggestions. His highest viewed video is a blog where he celebrates his birthday by throwing a party and invites his viewers to join him through a live! Watching him kinda makes you wish you were him but you're also super proud of him and want him to continue making videos.
gaming channel but dabbles in school blog life
Two words, rich boy! Jungwon makes BANK. All the newest and hottest games can only hope and pray he will review their stuff. If you want to know if a game is worth getting just go to his channel because he'll give you an honest review. Most of his videos are based on gaming but sometimes he posts like "a day in my life" vlogs since people ask for those. All his commentary is hilarious though like he is so funny, and when he plays with friends the videos are 10 times funnier. The way he rages when he dies or misses something, yeah everyone loves him. He doesn't take sponsors from games, he believes if your game is good then you won't have to pay people to play it. This makes people love him so much more! Even if you don't game, you'll watch him cause he's so entertaining.
toy review vlogs but they're all weird af and you never know what's happening 😐
Riki has a way of editing that is just...not common. Random cut shots of people doing the weirdest things, him laughing for hours on end, and probably messy music too. It's funny though so people love it. I think him just being himself with no care in the world is really what makes you stop and think "yeah I'll subscribe". Plus the boy is sweet and his channel makes you wanna be his best friend. He also posts himself dancing (much like sunghoon)! Riki posts covers and even his own dances! Please subscribe to him, promise you won't regret it!
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coco's final note: this isn't my best work but I really liked the idea and rolled with it !! so I hope you enjoy and lmk who you'd be subscribed to!
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mayhiems · 3 years ago
Part 1
Hmm so listen listen, I was gonna say this in the a/n for one of my Your Throne fics when I update, but I got impatient (I'm also worried about some of y'all). Kinda spoilers cuz I based it from the leaks.
So like I get that everyone thinks Medea having sex with Eros in Psyche's body is wrong, and mostly it's for two main reasons:
1. Lack of consent from Psyche's side. People assume that Psyche has never fucked before, cuz she's portrayed as an innocent and naive girl. And most of us were taught having sex = loss of innocence. It's not. So when Medea did that, people's thoughts kinda went "You made Psyche do something she wouldn't have! How dare u?!"
2. It seemed like Medea didn't care about Psyche, like she absolutely disrespected someone she was supposedly friends with.
Oh. Bonus reason on my side:
3. I fekin hate entitled predatory misogynistic men touching and even just looking at the sweetest and kindest women. Take your disgusting gaze elsewhere asshole, go mess with the people who'll actually fight back if you think you're the sht or smthng.
Okay so... no.1.
It's true we were never shown Medea and Psyche talking about the things they did while they were in each other's body. Maybe it's cuz they didn't have time to and their meetings were always short and monitored. I think one reason tho is cuz they already understood that they each did what they needed to survive.
Ep.44 in general,
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And this scene in particular, I believe is a short and concise way for both Medea and Psyche to show their trust and acceptance of each other. I don't know about y'all but when my closest friends or family and I have MAJOR issues/disagreements, we confront each other but we don't say things directly at least not everything, things aren't discussed word by word. When you already know the circumstances for the series of events that happened and can't be changed, all that's needed is the understanding or forgivenes of the other. Some close and actual friends don't need to verbalize everything. Psyche and Medea are like that.
Medea is talking about the people they've lost, but what she didn't directly say was what she did to hurt Psyche. She mentioned not going back to the way things were cuz she didn't want to be ignorant of Psyche's suffering and do some petty murdering sht again. That was her reaching out to Psyche, it didn't seem like an apology but it was and it was also a promise to treat Psyche better. And Psyche accepted it.
Contrary to popular belief, Psyche is not stupid. She can connect the dots pretty fast, but her faith in the goodness and honesty of people make her ignore the more negative answers.
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She knew it was Medea who took out her knight. She figured out what Lynn as a spy sent by Medea meant. Psyche figured out all that once Medea told her about the spies. That's why she's smiling, that's why she said what she said on the 2nd photo.
Psyche was forgiving Medea, and accepting that they couldn't do anything about the past and they needed to move forward. She was giving Medea her trust again.
How does this all relate to the fuck scene?
They didn't directly mention Medea's murder, the same reason that gross sht wasn't also mentioned. It was a painful topic that would've made Psyche sad and probably would've made her cry, NOT because she'd think "Medea I can't believe u fucked my fiance in my body!" but because the realization that Eros didn't love her would stab her again.
Psyche knew some aspects of Eros pretty well. She knew he was obsessive and possessive and very controlling. Eros' obsession with control and his being an asshole is partly why they probably fucked often when they met. He probs thinks along the lines of "I'm pretending to be her lover and fiance why can't I enjoy my priviliges?"
Yeah. He's a real asshole. And that time Psyche was just starting to adjust to that.
I'm not saying Medea was avoiding talking about it (well, maybe, I mean I'm not the author so I don't know exactly what the characters are thinking but based on what's established, I doubt Medea was exactly), I'm saying they were talking in code, talking in a language only the two of them know.
Hmm. I might be contradicting myself but ep.62 when Medea visited Psyche after getting assaulted by Eros on that sht boat ride.
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Psyche apologized because she knew Medea liked to know everything so she can be ready for anything. She also apologized because she believes in love and thinks kissing and physical affection like those stuff are for those with mutual affections.
Medea absolutely hates Eros, so yeah, Psyche felt like apologizing. PLUS, it was out of character for Medea to kiss Eros, it made things complicated made weird situations like maybe...having Eros wanting a make out session out of nowhere?
I mentioned contradicting myself cuz in ep.62
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It kinda seemed like Medea was guilty in the 1st pic, making excuses and justification in the 2nd pic not just for Psyche but also for herself.
Maybe Medea remembered her actions and felt bad about not being as direct as Psyche in apologizing, or maybe it's cuz Medea didn't feel the need to apologize until Psyche went down on her knees. Either way she felt bad for Psyche and had no intention of blaming her.
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Medea recognizes that in all those shitty situations Psyche has never actually done anything wrong, she was forced, always forced.
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The only mistake Psyche made in her relationship with Medea was not telling Medea about Eros being her secret lover. And even that was cuz she was forbidden from talking about her divinity, since opening up about Eros meant talking about the basement and talking about the basement meant speaking of her divinity.
Continued in Part2...
Dang it, hold on. I didn't know there was a 10pic limit in tumblr posts ugh. Lemme make dis part1 and imma go make part2 cuz I haven't tried posting explanations with photo evidence and hmmm it's kinda interesting.
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booksandabeer · 2 years ago
Hello :)) I was wondering if you could maybe please help me with a question about a fan fiction. It is called hand of the devil I see it update every week and I think you mentioned it before in your posts. As I see it it is part of a series and very long. I don't often read works like that but the tags sound good so I wanted to ask if you think it worth it to start the series? I know you can't decide this for me but I wanted your opinion if you like please :) I love your blog so I trust your opinion
Hi there! 😊
I have indeed talked about this fic/series before here and here, and probably elsewhere because I just LOVE it very much, okay?
Hand of the Devil is part 3 of the What I'm Looking For series and it is indeed excellent and definitely worth a read! I'm just gonna quote myself here:
Can I interest you in 30 chapters (well, currently 13; ETA: it's now 21 chapters) of PAIN? It is very well-written pain, I promise! With lots of historical details, great mission chapters, lots of insights into the Soldier's and Bucky's mind (whenever he resurfaces), and a really interesting take on how the trigger words were implanted. I *think* this can be read without knowledge of the first two parts, but to get the whole experience and to really understand all the references (which is half the...uhm...fun?): do yourself the favor and just start at the beginning.
So yes, I do believe you can read all parts of the series as stand-alone fics and it will work just fine. One of my favorite aspects of reading part 3, though, is catching all the little references, the glimpses of memories that surface in Bucky's mind from time to time, the flickers of recognition and awareness once he's been out of cryo long enough, and knowing exactly what from the first two parts they allude to.
I really, wholeheartedly recommend the entire series!
Series: What I'm Looking For by @tessabennet | T-E Rating; 250K (currently) | Part 1 (pre-war) & 2 (wartime) complete, new chapter of Part 3 (Winter Soldier years) posts every Friday
I hope this was helpful and I'm always happy to answer any other questions or rec requests!
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urlocalgothamite · 3 years ago
where loyalty lies
Hey besties- I redid the initial two chapters of the fic I'm working on from a year ago. I hope to give it steady updates now!
Summary: years after the canon events the daughters of the league of villians run from pro hero deku and shoto
characters: Attakai Todoroki (oc), Lilith Hikiishi (oc), Toga (mentioned), Magne, Touya/Dabi (mentioned), Pro Hero Deku, Pro Hero Shoto
At 10 years old, Attakai stared at herself in the mirror. She was a frail kid, taking after her father. She wore a black leather jacker, too large on her. And she ran her fingers through tangled red hair. The dyed blue tips were her favorite thing about herself.
She looked rough compared to her friend next to her, Lilith. Her skin sparkled from thos glittery spray cans. Her hair was also red, except neat, longer, and well cared for.
Toga had promised to take them out tonight to do generally girly things. Like dig for things in dumpsters, because they were a bit too poor for the mall. Unless of course they decided to shoplift, which was always on the table.
Magne was to come with. She was the third gorgeous girl with red hair who lived in these dingy apartments. And tonight she sported a nice pink blouse and a fancy pair of stolen sunglasses. The ladies were going out after all. Even though she was dressed cheerful, her facial expression did not match.
"Mama, what's wrong?" Lilith asked, but Magne didn't give a clear answer.
"Everything will be okay," Magne said. "Hide. Don't make a sound. The heroes are coming. I love you." She kissed her daughter Lilith's head andgave attakai a pat. "You too Kai."
"Where's my dad?" Attakai started to ask, but Magne had already turned to walk out.
The heroes would ruin everything. They always did.
Lilith hid quickly, under a desk in the corner. Unsure of where to go, Attakai went straight to the closet. And soon, she could hear footsteps trailing down the hall and the voices connected to them.
"Maybe there aren't any captives? I mean, the league hasn't been very active in the past few years." It was a male voice. He sounded genuinely happy about the possibility of finding no victims. And, he had the voice of someone who smiles often.
"I believe we only have two rooms left to check." A monotoned voice replied.
The voices were getting closer and closer. Until they stepped into the room.
Attakai considered picking a fight before they found her. She was fiery, but frozen in fear. Plus, if she picked a fight, they'd find her. And, probaby turn her over to the state. Bleh.
Staying frozen in fear was the best option- until Attakai fucked that up. She only slightly moved but a slight movement was all it took for a shoebox to come tumbling down to the closet floor. And, a pair of feet cautiously and quickly rushed to the closet.
A freckled young man, about the age of 18, opened the closet door and crouched down to her eye level. He pulled down his mask, making his warm smile visible. She recognized him, anyone would. Deku was a top hero.
"Hey, it's okay, kiddo. The heroes are here! We're gonna save you."
Attakai didn't know how the hell him being a hero was supposed to make her feel any better. It made her feel worse, less safe than before. But her fear was easily hidden behind her fight.
"I don't need saving. You aren't doing anything to help me. All you do is arrest people who have families! So fuck off." Attakai had big language for such a little body. Courtesy of being raised by villian.
"Um well, we arrest people who do bad things." Deku replied, ignoring the young child's foul mouth.
"I don't wanna go to jail!"She cried out. Her fear finally showed as she fell back, her arm lighting up in flames.
He jumped back, his eyes widening in concern. "Um- Shoto? Fire! Can you handle this?" He asked as he stepped away nervously and his partner came forward.
"You're not going to jail," Shoto held out his hand to the child and tried to be reassuring. "We're going to take you somewhere safe." He said.
She stared back at him with furrowed brows. Attakai did not feel safe at all. Her blue eyes were a mix of fear and fight. He didn't seem ill-intentioned. In a way, he looked familiar. His eyes and face matched that of her father's. He was one of them. Her dad had spoken about their heroic family members.
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catsandcataclysms · 3 years ago
hey so is broken leg healing hearts ever gonna update again cus idk if you've been asked already or not but i would like to know if you fell out of the mh fandom or just forgot it existed and would like to know if it's discontinued or abandoned ect cus i really love the story and would like to read it more
I have been asked before but I don't mind you asking! (I haven't forgotten either; I think about it quite often, tbh.)
The long and short of it is I don't have a concise answer for you as to its future, but I can tell you why it stopped being written!
I had writer's block severely bad and was kinda depressed when it initially went on hiatus. But I couldn't bear to call it quits on the story tbh, for better or for worse. u_u
Although I no longer have writer's block, every time my co-author and I try to find a time to sit down and write it becomes harder and harder to find that time! They've been the heart and soul of the fic, of course, but as I didn't know it was writer's block at the time it became difficult to write and I'm sure you can guess the rest!
I can't believe it's been such a long time, honestly. I'd have to do a proper re-read of the fic and rewatch of the series, as well as talk to my co-author (which, honestly I've been meaning to do those things anyways), and we can see how it pans out, but I don't want to make any promises.
I will say that if we do update it again, it will likely be a giant chunk to the very end of the fic, so that there isn't a fear of hiatus again. Idk if I've ever mentioned that bit publically before, but there's my secret for you!
I am however deeply sorry that I stopped updating. But I do promise I still hold plenty of love for that fic in my heart. I never intended to leave anybody lost and waiting.
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maudus1 · 3 years ago
DUDE! That excerpt from the next TW update has me screaming! So good, SO GOOD! Da’riel being interested in anakin & oblivious anakin being flustered by the attention but not really knowing WHY is literally everything to me. Also I’m sensing jealous, possessive Obi wan who has to repress it all behind a cool jedi facade and it’s all very delicious! Also so very excited for the two other fic ideas you’ve got cooking up! Thank you for sharing those with us!!!
That's great to hear because I have literally no idea what I'm doing LOL Troubled Water is basically a romcom at this point. If romcoms had angst. 🤣
I just love tropes??? I mean, there's a reason they repeat so often. I could read a million fics of the same two idiots sharing a bed, it will never get old.
Basically expect a lot of this:
Tumblr media
source: Magnolia Porter
I'm sure you can tell which is Anakin and which is Obi-Wan hahahaha
And yeah Obi-Wan is having some thoughts about Da'riel XD unfortunately for him my boy is a massive hoe and unashamedly so. Obi-Wan's gonna have his work cut out for him. You wanna keep it put a ring on it, old man! (Jk, Anakin only has eyes for one man, I promise. He will be a total disaster about it though, because how can he not)
I'm glad you liked those ideas! There's a lot more where that came from. I try to focus on only one long work at a time but may put out a few one-shots here and there between TW updates through the summer, so if anyone ever has suggestions or prompts definitely feel free to send them my way! And I always love gushing about this ship & hearing what ppl enjoy. 💙
Thanks for the message, and may the Force be with you!
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wolfwarden · 3 years ago
1, 3, and 18 for the Meta Asks, if you would! I shall await with great curiosity. ~Rav
Rav! Hello! Thanks for the ask! I'm sorry it's taken 1000 years for me to answer. XD (Questions are from this post.) You picked some fun ones for me...
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Rant about my current projects?! Why, I would LOVE to. :D I have three babies that I am currently bouncing between: "Grateful" (Sky has visions), "Isn't It Worth A Little Suffering?" (Warriors vs. the Fierce Deity and Mask/Time gets caught in between), and "Little Brother" (Wind, Warriors, and Time take turns taking care of each other and being cared for in return).
They have quite a bit in common. They all contain angst but have varying degrees of hurt/comfort in them. They are also all gift fics! One is a secret Santa gift for the lovely Rae, and the other two are based on some really cool art by HylianRamen and sekiumiarashi. They are also at 1 chapter each and I promised myself they will NOT be abandoned, I WILL finish them. I just need to stop coming up with more ideas to stuff into them.
Current progress: "...Suffering" -this one lives up to its name because I am suffering. Struggling on chapter 2 and how I want the story to be told, but I have the major outlining for the whole fic done. Just have to keep pushing! I'm hoping to update this one first. "Grateful" -Have quite a few scenes written for Ch3. Ch2 is outlined. The brain is buzzing on this one, please tell it to calm down. "Little Brother" -Ch3 is actually 2/3 of the way done. Chapter 2 needs lots of love. (Is anyone noticing a pattern here? XD Are ch2s my kryptonite?) This is already getting so long so I'll try and be brief: I love "Little Brother" for the chance to write short little hurt/comfort pieces. I get to be unabashedly soft about the big bro/lil bro dynamic between these three characters and how that can change over time. It's an indulgence to write and I love it. I love "...Suffering" for the chance to flex my big dramatic angst muscles and see if I can pull off a bigger story than I've ever tried before. We'll see what happens here, but oh boy, do I have plans. :) Also getting to explore the psyche of the Fierce Deity? Yes, please. I love "Grateful" because it's my first time trying to write a Sky-centric fic that really focuses on how he fits into the group dynamic. There are a LOT of things I want to play with here: forming friendships, protectiveness at the cost of honesty, predetermined destiny, and grappling with belief. Sky is so often portrayed as most loyal to Hylia (understandably, she's reincarnated as his girlfriend), but does that make things harder, knowing her humanity? Or does it make things easier, knowing she tried her best with the power she had? What happens when gifts become burdens, and tools meant to help just hurt instead?
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
RAV, I LOVE YOU FOR ASKING THIS BUT I HAVE ALREADY BLATHERED ON FOR SO LONG. ...I'm gonna answer this one in another post if that's okay.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
Question 18 was answered in this post. Kinda cheated and talked about deleted scenes and alternate endings instead of AUs. :D
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